
conjecture: Sony will Release Playstation 4 before XBOX720 promulgate.

" I like all my gameplayers, whatever is XBOX360、Playstation 3 or Wii. gameplayers have been broken the laws of the gamesplayer's the the years life cycle. Base on Kotaku's report,Sony will develope new ganeration Playstaion if it's gamesplayers can't overcome XBOX360 in 2014,which can compete with Microsoft's XBOX360,and take occupancy of market of game players's.

"I hope there is newly Dualshock controller which not lost any game player's. Beacause of the Dualshock controller has been exsited six years or so on the market. it's enough to make older withdrawl from the game market.

The editor from Kotaku in blog of website games appoint out,As the news of Sony's newly playstation 4 is subtle,it makes the next generation's designer and developer feel uneasy,and even some developers lost their confidences. In the blog at the same time appoint out that next generation BOX will be withdrawl from the market on christmas.
Sony company expressed that game controller will be the most stronger controller before PS3 enter on the market.But the most games's utilize
 is become the reverse thing, for exsample:The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim、Mass Effect 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
Sony is thinking about how to make beautiful and strong hardware and the maintenance platform, and the position of share of the  marketing in games. Sony will learn that it can be more effeictive develope their product-PS4 in past ten years. the new PS4 will supply new gerenation pictures processor,compatible PS3 games,play bule disk and PS3 wireless controller.

